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Kościerskie economic activity zone – preparing a strategic and technical estimate 
is financed from European Economic Area Financial Mechanism and
Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 in program:Urban development by
strengthening the competence of self-government units, social dialogue and
cooperation with civil society representatives”.
Project for the whole District of Kościerzyna was prepared together by Municipality of Kościerzyna 
(leader of Kościerski Partnership for Socio-Economic Development) and partnership members.

Kościerski Partnership for Socio-Economic Development build:

All governments of District Kościerzyna:
Municipality of Kościerzyna
District Kościerzyna
Commune of Kościerzyna
Commune of Lipusz
Commune of Liniewo
Commune of Dziemiany
Commune of Karsin
Commune of Nowa Karczma
Commune of Stara Kiszewa

Social partners:
Local Tourist Organisation „Serce Kaszub” in Kościerzyna
Kashubian Institute of Development in Kościerzyna
Regional Chamber of Commerce in Gdańsk
Pomerania Employers
Association of Entrepreneurs Kościerzyna
Pomerania Lanscape Parks in Słupsk

Project history

03.08.2012 - signature of a letter of intent for elaborate a mutual socio-economic development program and establish partnership of Municipality Kościerzyna, Commune of Kościerzyna and District of Kościerzyna.

20.09.2012r.- star of a series of partnership meetings. Proposal to extend the partnership for all communes of Kościerzyna District

17.12.2012 - establishing a priority partnership area

17.04.2013 - signature of a letter of intense by project partners.

19.04.2013- submission of the application form to European Economic Area Financial Mechanism

31.05.2013 - project received positive opinion from the formal check

21.08.2013 - project received positive opinion on its merits

16.10.2013 - obtaining the information o the qualification of the project for funding

31.01.2014 - signature of the agreement for project funding

Project duration
Start: January 2014
Finish: March 2016

Range of project

The subject of the project is to develop the necessary technical documentation for the establishment of Kościerskie Economic Activity Zones of service-industry and tourism profile.

Scope of documentation include:

sectoral programs and sectoral analyzes to these documents, including:

A. update the Strategy for Economic and Social Development of the Kościerzyna Area - Integrated Development Strategy of Kościerski Functional Area

  1. Sectoral program for labour market, education and social activation development
  2. Sectoral program for tourist and promotion development with analysis to receive the status of the health resort region
  3. Sectoral program renewable energy with analysis of the availability renewable energy resources and their use
  4. Program of business and tourist service support with analysis of implementation computer system of business support and a uniform system of services and tourist information
  5. The study of the internal and external transport accessibility of the functional area

B. Plan for institutional development of the partnership

C. Plan for communication and social consultation

Feasibility study and technical and estimated plans to create an economic zone in indicated areas: in village council Kłobuczyno, Commune of Kościerzyna
2. zone in village council Grzybowo, Commune of Kościerzyna
3. zone in Nowa Karczma, Commune of Nowa Karczma
4. zone in Kościerzyna industrial park, Municipality of Kościerzyna
5. zone in the area of Wdzydze Lakes (tourist services) with a system of bicycle paths connecting the following subzones in the area:

  1. subzone in Commune of Dziemiany
  2. subzone in Commune of Karsin
  3. subzone in Commune of Lipusz
  4. subzone in Commune of Stara Kiszewa
  5. subzone in Commune of Kościerzyna

6. zone focused on renewable energy in Lubań, Commune of Nowa Karczma
7. zone focused on renewable energy in Liniewskie Góry, Commune of Liniewo

Norwegian Financial Mechanism and the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism, i.e. EEA and Norway Grants, are a form of foreign aid granted by Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein to new UE Member States. The main objectives of the EEA and Norway Grants are: to contribute to the reduction of economic and social disparities in the European Economic Area and strengthening the bilateral relations between the donor and the beneficiary states. The support for the Kościerski Functional Area is provided under the Regional Programme “Urban development by strengthening the competence of self-government units, social dialogue and cooperation with civil society representatives”. The main objective of this Programme is to achieve better economic and social cohesion at the national, regional and local level through the development of mechanisms of effective cooperation between local government units and representatives of civil society, in order to make joint decisions concerning the given area or solving important problems of that area. More information about European Economic Area Financial Mechanism and Norwegian Financial Mechanism is available on web sites: and

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